Покажи Change Log
version 1901311135
Adding commands for KL devices V2 with zfpdefs:
ProgPayment_Old, ReadPayments_Old, ReadDailyAvailableAmounts_Old,
ReadDailyRA_Old, ReadDailyPO_Old, ReadDailyReceivedSalesAmounts_Old,
ReadDailyReturnedChangeAmounts_Old, ReadDailyRAbyOperator_Old,
ReadDailyPObyOperator_Old, ReadDailyReceivedSalesAmountsByOperator_Old,
Command with zfpdef: OpenStornoReceipt from parameter StornoReason is removed
option 2 – Tax relief
Commands with zfpdefs: OpenCreditNoteWithFreeCustomerData and
OpenCreditNoteWithFDCustomerDB, parameter StornoReason is hardcoded with
value ‘2’ – tax relief
Command with zfpdef: ReceivedOnAccount_PaidOut Parameter length OperPass is
changed from 4 symbols to 6 symbols.
Command with zfpdef: ReadCurrentReceiptInfo changes positions of paramters
SubtotalAmountVAT4, SubtotalAmountVAT5, SubtotalAmountVAT6, SubtotalAmountVAT7.
version 1902191535
Adding additional message response format in point 1.3
Adding parameter for printing RA/PO availability in command ReceivedOnAccount, parameter
name PrintAvailability.
version 1903211145
Commands with zfpdefs: SetDateTime(DateTime), OpenStornoReceipt,
OpenCreditNoteWithFreeCustomerData, OpenCreditNoteWithFDCustomerDB are with
added seconds in the related parameters. This will not confuse the workflow with V2
Command with zfpdef: OpenStornoReceipt from parameter StornoReason is added
option 2 – Tax relief
Commands with zfpdef: OpenCreditNoteWithFreeCustomerData and
OpenCreditNoteWithFDCustomerDB, parameter StornoReason is with added options
values - '0' – Operator error, - '1' – Goods Claim or Goods return
version 1904091202
Adding new commands with zfpdefs: OpenElectronicReceipt,
OpenElectronicInvoiceWithFreeCustomerData, OpenElectronicInvoiceWithFDCustomerDB, for
opening of all types receipts in electronic formats
Adding new command with zfpdef: ReadReceiptNumQRcodeData for reading QR code data of
specified receipt number
version 1905071026
Commands with zfpdefs: ProgPayment, ProgPayment_Old, ReadPayments,
ReadPayments_Old(), parameters ExchangeRate and Rate are with changed length from 10 to
Adding new command with zfpdef: ReadElectronicReceiptNumDataFromEJ
version 1906120933
Command with zfpdef: ReadElectronicReceiptNumDataFromEJ is renamed to
version 1907251601
Add new commands with zfpdef: ReadElectronicReceipt_QR_Data,
ReadElectronicReceipt_QR_ASCII() and ReadElectronicReceipt_QR_BMP for reading electronic
receipts with their QR code in different formats
version 1908131009
Edit command ReadLastDailyReportInfo parameter LastReceiptType parameter
Remove commands for open electronic storno and credit note receipts.
version 1910211454
No protocol changes.
version 2005141555
Added new commands for read and program parameter for printing of automatic Z-daily report
after 24h from first daily sale with zfpdefs: ProgramDailyReportParameter and
Added new parameter PayType in command with zfpdef: ReceivedOnAccount_PaidOut
Added new command for Generating of Z daily fiscal report without printing with zfpdef:
Added new command with zfpdefs: ArrangePayments and ReadPaymentsPositions for
changing/reading positions of payments in the new Fiscal Devices.
Command with zfpdefs: ProgDepartment, ReadDepartment, ReadDepartmentAll, parameter
Number is with changed length from [1..2] to [1..3].
Adding command with zfpdef: SellPLUwithSpecifiedVATfor200DepRangeDevice for register
sells of departments only for devices which support up to 200 departments.
Adding commands with zfpdefs: ProgramNBLParameter, ReadNBLParameter for
programming/reading parameter for NBL monitoring.
Adding commands with zfpdefs: ProgramWeightBarcodeFormat, ReadWeightBarcodeFormat
for programming/reading Weight barcode format.
Adding commands with zfpdefs: ProgramTransferAmountParam_RA,
ReadTransferAmountParam_RA, for program and read parameter for transfer automatic
available amounts after Z report
Adding command with zfpdef: ReadLastDailyReportAvailableAmounts for reading daily available
amounts in cash and currency, Z report number, Z report type.
Adding commands for reading Fiscal Memory reports with zfpdefs:
ReadDetailedFMReportByZBlocks(), ReadDetailedFMPaymentsReportByZBlocks(),
ReadDetailedFMDepartmentsReportByZBlocks(), ReadBriefFMReportByZBlocks(),
ReadDetailedFMReportByDate(), ReadDetailedFMPaymentsReportByDate(),
ReadDetailedFMDepartmentsReportByDate(), ReadBriefFMReportByDate(),
ReadBriefFMPaymentsReportByDate(), ReadBriefFMDepartmentsReportByDate()
version 2208081230
Changed length of parameter Name in command 44h for KL devices
version 2211151530
new command added 5Ah, Option ‘Q’ Read scale quantity
ZFPLabServer ver.1.3.5:
- support data reading sessions
ZFPLabServer ver.1.3.7:
- after command ACKnowledge is received by fiscal device, subsequent errors (out of paper, connection problems... ) are omitted
ZFPLabServer ver.1.4.1:
- added finddevice() function
- the server starts without requiring administrator privileges
Bug in non-latin encodings in Delphi enumerations fixed
ZFPLabServer ver.1.4.5:
- listening port (4444) can be configured
- removed dependency on Properties.Settings
ZFPLabServer ver.1.5.5:
- improvements when working with multiple clients
- bug fixes in direct API, file server and finddevice() function
- the server registers itself to work for all users (Windows)
ZFPLabServer ver.1.5.6:
- settings() command:
* reconnect optimizations over TCP connection
* speed optimizations
* allow space in argument names when used with direct API
- added command name in the file server error response
ZFPLabServer ver.1.5.7:
- can be configured to run as Windows service (optional)
- improvements in Linux versions
ZFPLabServer (Android) ver.1.1.2:
- more reliable, uninterrupted work as a service
- connect/reconnect optimizations over BLUETOOTH and TCP
- automatic installation (sample code in the demo)
- included .NET Standart 2.0 + Xamarin library
ZFPLabServer ver.1.5.8:
- avoids possible time out in receipts with many transactions and buffered printing
ZFPLabServer ver.1.5.9:
- USB, RS cable disconnect error codes
- prevented possible crash on Windows 10 when USB cable is removed
- Node.js support and demo
ZFPLabServer ver.1.6.1 (Windows, Linux):
- If fiscal device is shared by multiple clients, each new client awaits finishing of all commands (executed sequentially) of the previous client.
As a result each client may create receipts on the shared device and will not be interrupted.
- Support for silent find device: tag 1 in _ServerStartupSettings.xml